Thursday, March 21, 2013

Peep, Peep!


We left our bantams sitting on their eggs, because we really didn't need all the eggs we're getting, and the hen was broody, and we thought, why not?

Peep!  Peep!  Five of the eggs hatched, and even after one little chick died we have four little adorable fluff balls running around in the tractor with their parents.  The adults are being very protective, so I actually didn't want to open the wire door up to take the picture - the rooster tried to peck the camera lens the first time I tried that.


The kids are in love with the little chicks, and go out to check on them and watch them a couple times a day.  We've decided not to take them away from their mom, so they have a lower chance of survival, but the family all together sure is sweet.

And it's the time of year for those other little Peeps:

It's Peep Diorama Time!


This is Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Carbon.


And this is Fantastic Mr. Fox by Hypatia.

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